Ashley Pereira, MS Ed.

Ashley Pereira, MS Ed. Verified

Ashley Pereira, MS Ed.

Address: Connecticut

About Ashley Pereira, MS Ed.

If you need a SME in STEM and Career readiness, then you need me! 15 years proven subject matter expertise, over 3.6 million learners served.


“Ashley’s creative and innovative ways of taking science content and designing engaging, hands on augmented reality tasks is incredible. She is able to take deep scientific concepts and turn them into fun, applicable and understandable experiences that are highly engaging for students and therefore effectively increasing content knowledge. Her interest in deepening her understanding of the use and application of augmented reality is just one piece of evidence that Ashley is a motivated teacher who wants to stay on the cutting edge of technology and provide the best learning opportunities for all students.” Elizabeth A. Radday, EdD, Director of School Services at EdAdvance

Services Offered

  • curriculum


  • Augmented Reality
  • Education
  • STEM

Sub Categories

  • Children
  • School

Our Location